6 Signs it's Time for a Rebrand

Has your business been around for a while but you’re noticing that it’s not getting the attention it used to? Maybe you’re attracting the wrong customers, or feeling embarrassed by the feelings people associate with your brand. It’s time to consider a rebrand. Creating a new branding system for your business can give you a fresh start and help you stay competitive in your industry. 

Let’s take a look at some of the signs that it is time for your business to get a new brand identity. 

  1. You don’t feel your values are accurately portrayed
    Maybe you paid someone on etsy to make you a $30 logo with a flower on it, because you like flowers. Well my friend, that is NOT a brand. Branding shows your customers who you are and what you’re bringing to the table. If people can’t see it, they are less likely to care about it- so it’s time to shed that old placeholder and put some effort into finding the truest version of your business, then showcasing that within your branding.

  2. You’re not reaching your target audience 
    Hey, if you're struggling to connect with your audience or sell to the people you want to attract, it might be time to shake things up with a rebrand. Your old messaging and visuals aren't resonating with your target customers anymore, or you've got a new audience in mind. A fresh branding strategy can help you engage both new and existing customers. Have you ever even defined your target audience? Do you even know who you’re marketing to? A rebrand includes a new brand strategy, which helps define the target audience and what they want to see.

  3. Your competitors are outpacing you 
    Feeling like your competitors are crushing it in the sales and loyalty department? It's possible their branding game is just stronger than yours or they've nailed their target audience with messaging that really hits home. Maybe it's time to rethink your own brand identity to keep up with (or CRUSH) the competition.

  4. Your brand feels less like a 5 course meal and more like a church potluck

    You may have pieced together your branding elements as you worked with designers, friends, or Canva templates. Maybe you only have a semi-blurry jpg of your logo, when you really need a high-res PNG. Do you know your brand fonts? Colors?  A good branding system defines the elements of your brand so you become recognizable, memorable, and consistent.

  5. Your brand image has become dated 

    If you're getting pegged as old-school or behind-the-times, it's worth considering a rebrand. With technology evolving at lightning speed, keeping your brand looking fresh is key to staying relevant in the digital age. Updating your visuals and vibe to match current trends and values will make sure potential customers don't write you off as outdated.

  6. You just aren’t stoked

    If you feel like your company is bland, misunderstood, or doesn’t align any more with your values, it’s time to step up to the rebranding game: Your business is an extension of you and your values, and you should be excited to share that with the world.

If any of these resonate with you, it might be a good idea to take a step back and consider a rebrand. And the good news is, working with a branding expert can make the process a lot less painful. With the right questions along with my branding expertise, I can help you identify what sets you apart and gives you an edge over the competition, then develop a new branding system for your business that will take you straight to the top.

Kait Kenobi

Kait Kenobi, the creative force behind Midnight Grim, brings 15 years of entrepreneurial spirit to the branding world. Known for an offbeat approach to branding, Kait excels in revealing the wonderfully weird and turning it into branding brilliance. With a knack for empowering businesses to break the mold, Kait transforms visionary ideas into brands that leave a lasting impression.


Yeah, I do Coke.


Understanding Branding